Description: Point feature entered by GIS Services on Interstate 81 and the Blue Ridge Parkway. Initial known points were located using a GPS Receiver and then extrapolated from these points by splitting the centerline of the interstate and parkway and one mile intervals.
Description: Signed Intersections is a point feature listing the names of all road segments that intersect at a given point. Thiese points are updated weekly through an automated process.
Description: The polyline feature is used to inventoy our Street Centerlines in Roanoke County. The individual polygon objects mirror our Adddress Block Ranges. Also includes attributes on lower and upper address ranges, functional classes, speed limits and others. Used as a secondary dispatch source for E911 calls.
Description: This layer consists of Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes with Vehicle Classification Data for most recent years, on Interstate, Arterial and Primary Routes. It also includes a list of each Interstate and Primary highway segment with the estimated Annual Average Week Day Traffic (AAWDT) for that segment. It includes all data from 1985 to 2012.
Service Item Id: 6fd1dd0ef0524851b6e1206f4b3acec8
Copyright Text: This data set was created as part of a joint effort between the GIS Program Office and the RNS Project, both within the Information Technology Division of the Virginia Department of Transportation. It also includes street names from the new VGIN Master Centerlines. Users of this data must credit the source. This data may not be re-used for purposes other than as agreeded to by VDOT. This data may not be sold in whole or part for commercial gain or as part of a comercial package. Copyright 2009 Virginia Department of Transportation. All Rights Reserved.
Description: This simple polyline freature was digitized by GIS Services staff form our 2011 aerial photography and includes Roanoke County and all adjacent jurisdiction areas. This includes track owned by Norfok Southern and the CSX.
Description: The Virginia Geographic Information Network (VGIN) has coordinated the development of a consistent, seamless, statewide digital road centerline file with address, road name, and route number attribution, as part of the Virginia Base Mapping Program (VBMP). The Road Centerline Program (RCL) leverages the Commonwealth's investment in the VBMP digital orthophotography and is focused on creating a single statewide, consistent digital road file. The RCL data layer is a dynamic dataset supported and maintained by Virginia's Local Governments and VGIN. VBMP RCL is extracted and provided back to local governments and state agencies in many geographic data sets every quarter. Please note the following use restrictions: RCL Geometry is public domain; Minimal Attribution is public domain (RCL Public); Geocoding fields are restricted in use (RCL Master) and to acquire these, please contact VGIN.
Description: Signed Intersections is a point feature listing the names of all road segments that intersect at a given point. Thiese points are updated weekly through an automated process.